Preparing for your appointment

From the moment you confirm you appointment to when you get in the chair there are a number of things you can do to prepare to have the most comfortable experience.

What you can expect to happen after sending your deposit is:

  1. Receiving a follow up email confirming the deposit and date set

  2. Receiving a Google calendar invite which will include:

    • The date of your appointment

    • Details of your appointment

    • Pricing of your appointment

  3. You will be reminded of the upcoming date 1 week before, 1 day before and 1 hour before.

In the upcoming days prior to your appointment please consider:

  • Lightly exfoliating any dead skin

  • Lotioning your skin daily

  • Keeping well hydrated

  • Keeping well rested

On the day of it is recommended to eat a hearty meal, drink a good amount of water and wear or bring a change of clothes with you that will give your artist easy access to the tattoo area.

If you happen to be fond of the clothing surrounding the area give a heads up to the artist so that they can arrange a bib or towel to keep ink from staining your clothes.

Anita Tang